Kraus-Weber Abdominal Strength Test 3

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This abdominal test assesses the strength of the lower abdominal muscles.The test is part of the Kraus-Weber fitness test protocols, a series of six medical fitness test measures the strength and flexibility of key postural (core) muscles.

Purpose: To assess the strength of the psoas and lower abdominal muscles.

Equipment Required: Flat surface, ruler, stopwatch

Procedure: Subject lies in supine position i.e., flat on his back with his hands behind the neck. He is asked to raise his feet 25cm (10 inches) from the ground. His legs should be straight, no bending at the knee. The examiner counts to 10 seconds.

Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The test is passed if the subject holds the position for ten seconds. The Kraus-Weber test comprises 6 exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six exercises results in failing the test overall.

Advantage: This is a very simple test to conduct, can be quickly performed and with minimal equipment.

Comments: A modified scoring system scores the test from 0-10 depending on the number of seconds he holds the appropriate position.